Thursday, February 3, 2011

okay, so here's the rub

i'm writing this post. my first post. to sort of explain what the hell this is all about. and it will be at the bottom. so you won't see it. or if somehow you do indeed see it. you will have already read through everything else. and this may be to little to late. and yeah i'm only using periods right now. so what. i'm in a saramago kind of mood.
anyways i'm not sure i'll share this with anyone. or maybe i will with everyone. not really sure. if you know me and know i write. you probably know that i destroy. burn. most of what i write. cathartic. destructive. yeah.
so i haven't been writing much the past couple years. the fear of failure in something i actually took some pride in overcame me. i think it was shortly after i published some pieces. anyways. this year. 2011. one of my new years resolutions was to overcome my fear of writing. i have to accept that i won't be happy with 99% of what i write.
i'm no donald justice. no constant revisions to my poetry. i write it and it's done. maybe one or two tweeks a week later. if it survives that long.
next step is to begin writing short fiction again.
so here ya have it. i'm going to post some old and new poetry now. and as i go i'll post new pieces and anything else i dredge up.
my grandpa used to write. i have his old wooden wine box he kept his writing supplies and his words in. i store mine in it now. i've pulled it out and opened it for the first time in years. there are ideas, openings, closings, failures, some brilliance, letters, and things that i've shut away.
so today is a good day. i've been working on some new songs, a new poem about the upheaval in egypt, and the words are making sense again.

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